ABBA's hits tell the hilarious story of a young woman's search for her birth father. This sunny and funny tale unfolds on a Greek island paradise. On the eve of her wedding, a daughter's quest to discover the identity of her father brings three men from her mother's past back to the island they last visited 20 years ago.

The story-telling magic of ABBA's timeless songs propels this enchanting tale of love, laughter and friendship, creating an unforgettable show. A large cast, non-stop laughs and explosive dance numbers combine to make Mamma Mia! a guaranteed smash hit for any theatre. A mother. A daughter. Three possible dads. And a trip down the aisle you'll never forget!

 Mamma Mia! Cast

Sophie—Hailey Mahone
Sky—Rafael Veliz
Pepper/Ensemble—Gabe Lohse
Eddie/Ensemble—Colin Perry
Ali/Ensemble—Kimberlyn Henry
Lisa/Ensemble—Madison Braden
Donna—Tanya Fowler
Rosie—Bennie Phillips
Tanya—Kaye Ellison
Sam—Chris Polson
Bill—Trevor Parker
Harry—Shawn Jones
Father Alexandrios/Ensemble—Timothy Pat Wright
Ensemble—Adam Bone, Toni Henry, Hero Medina, Matthew Plattner, Alyssa Rickett, Emily Rickett, Jose Velasquez, Michael Wells

A look behind the scenes for TexRep's Mamma Mia! The show runs from May 3-12, 2019. Go to for more information.

Texarkana Repertory Company presents in association with Texarkana College the smash hit Mamma Mia in May 2019. More information is available at .